Women and International Development

Women and international development


Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development, editor & author of two chapters, Oxford University Press, 1990. Chapter on “The Making of the Field: Advocates, Practitioners, and Scholars.” pp 27-53. Updated and reprinted in Women, Gender, and Development Reader. Lynn Duggan, Laurie Nisonoff, Nalini Visvanathan, Nan Wiegersman, eds., London: Zed Press, 1996. Included in Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, ed. Lourdes Beneria, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000.

Women and World Development, I. Tinker and M. Bo Bramsen, eds., prepared under the auspices of the AAAS, Overseas Development Council, 1976, reissued 1980; Praeger. Spanish translation, Las Mujeres en el Mundo de Hoy: Prejuicios y Perjuicios. Editorial Fraterna, Buenos Aires, 1981.

My chapter, “The Adverse Impact of Development on Women,” included in Peace Corps Program and Training Journal, Vol. IV, No. 6, 1977; translated as “Le developpement contre les femmes” in Question feministes, no. 6, Sep. 1979.

Third World Women: Factors in Their Changing Status, Jean O’Barr, with Shirley Lindenbaum and Irene Tinker, Duke University Program of International Studies, Durham, N. C., 1976.

Articles/chapters in books:

“Many paths to power: women in contemporary Asia,” 2004, in Promises of Empowerment: Women in Asia and Latin America, Peter H. Smith, Jennifer L. Troutner, and Christine Hunefeldt, editors. NY: Rowman & Littlefield.

“Economic development and women” & “Poverty, women and gender in developing countries” in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Bates, eds. Pergamon Press: Oxford, UK, 2001

“Women in Development” entry in Encyclopedia for the Future, NY: Macmillan, 1996.

“Feminizing Development: For Growth with Equity,” CARE Brief #6. Issued in cooperation with the Overseas Development Council, Washington D.C., 1986.

“Women in African Development”, The Rural Sociologist 5/5, Sept., 1985.

“Feminist Values: Ethnocentric or Universal?” based on a keynote address at conference on Concepts and Strategies: Women’s Studies in Different Cultural Contexts, co-sponsored by Women’s Studies Program, University of Hawaii, and East-West Center, Honolulu, Nov 15-17, 1982. Published in Women in Asia and the Pacific: Towards an East-West Dialogue, ed. Madeleine J. Goodman, U. of Hawaii Press, 1985.

“Equity for Women and Men: A Basic Need for USAID”, US Development Assistance: Retrospective and Prospects, CASID (Center for Advanced Study of International Development) Occasional Papers, Michigan State University, Fall 1987; published Spring, 1989.

“Policy Strategies for Women in the 80s,” Africa Report, Mar.-Apr., 1981.

“Participation of Women in Community Development in Korea,” with Cho Hyoung, prepared for International Research Seminar in the Saemaul Undong Movement, Dec 7-13, 1980, published in English and Korean, Man-Gap Lee, editor, Toward a New Community Life, Seoul National University, 1981.

“Toward Equity for Women in Korea’s Development Plans,” prepared for the World Bank and published in Korean, Social Science and Policy Research, Vol. II, No. 2, 1980.

“Development and the Disintegration of the Family,” Assignment Children, UNICEF Quarterly Review No. 36, Geneva, Switzerland, Oct.-Dec., 1976.

“Pengaruh Pembangunan yang Merugikan Kaum Wanita,” Prisma 4/5: 33-44. Oct., 1975.

“Widening Gap”, International Development Review, Jan., 1975.

“Women in Developing Societies: Economic Independence Is Not Enough,” Economic Independence for Women: The Foundation for Equal Rights, ed. Jane Chapman, Sage Publications, 1975.

“What’s happened to Progress?”, Career Guidance for Women Entering Engineering, ed. Nancy Fitzroy, Engineering Foundation, New York, 1973.

United Nations Conferences for Women 1975 – 1995

“Priority shifts over two decades at the UN World Conferences for Women,” in Renuka Sharma & Purushotttama Bilimoria, eds., The Other Revolution: NGO and Feminist Perspectives from South Asia. New Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications. 1999.

“UN Decade for Women: Its Impact and Legacy”, with Jane Jaquette, World Development, Mar. 1987.

“A Personal Review and Appraisal of Nairobi”, EPOC July 1985; reprinted in Signs 11/2, Spring 1986; Journal of Women and Religion 5/1, Summer, 1986.

“A Feminist View of Copenhagen,” Signs 6(4).

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