


Women in Washington: Advocates for Public Policy, editor & author of “Women in Development,” pp. 227-237. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1983.

Women and Power: An Exploratory View, proceedings from March 1979 Radcliffe Centennial Symposium, Washington D.C., Mar., 1979.

“Nationalism in a Plural Society: The Case of the American South,” Western Political Quarterly, Mar., 1966.


Indian Political Leadership: Attitudes and Institutions, RAC, McLean, VA, 1968.

Leadership and Political Institutions in India, edited with Richard L. Park, Princeton University Press, 1959; reissued 1968. Chapter: “Decision-making in the Indian Parliament” with Norman D. Palmer.

“Why elect more women? For equity or policy shift?” Elections Canada. Forthcoming Oct 2007.

Review article for International Feminist Journal of Politics of Democratization in progress: women in local politics in urban India by Archana Ghosh and Stephanie Tawa Lama-Rewal, International Feminist Journal of Politics: 9/2 pp. 274-277 (spring 2007).

“Quotas for women in elected legislatures: do they really empower women,” 2004 Women Studies International Forum 27:4 531-546.

“Democracy and representation worldwide: who gets elected and how” Inaugural lecture, 23 October 2003, Irene Tinker Lecture Series, International Center for Research on Women, Washington, DC.

“Development and Changing Bureaucratic Styles in Indonesia: The Case of the Pamong Praja,” with Millidge Walker, Pacific Affairs, Spring, 1975.

“Planning for Regional Development in Indonesia,” with Millidge Walker, Asian Survey, Dec., 1973.

“Indonesia: chaos and control,” Op-ed with Millidge Walker, Christian Science Monitor 3 June 1998, p. 20.

“Indonesia’s Panacea: 1959 Model,” with Millidge Walker, Far Eastern Survey, Dec., 1959.

“The First General Elections in India and Indonesia,” with Millidge Walker, Far Eastern Survey, July, 1956.

“Malayan Elections: A Pattern for Plural Societies?” Western Political Quarterly, June, 1956.

“The General Election in Himachal Pradesh, India,” Parliamentary Affairs VI:3, 1953.

“The General Election in Travancore-Cochin, India,” Parliamentary Affairs VI:4, 1953.

“The General Election in Rajasthan, India,” Parliamentary Affairs VII:2, 1954.

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